Love your Wife Forever

















I’m not a Love Guru ok, but if you will get married, make sure that you will Love them for the rest of your Life!

Nakalimutan kung san ko nakuha itong quotes na to!

Falling in Love is not by Choice it’s by Chance!

Staying in Love is not by Choice it’s by Work!

Falling out of Love is by Choice not by Chance!


Your Decision to Be In love with your wife is everyday! hindi dahil you are in the mood! !

10 Pinoy Trivia

Nakita ko to sa isang website and I love researching about our history marami pa tayong dapat matutuna sa ating nakaraan (matutunan hindi ulitin). I know sa iba History is Boring, but when you get the facts mas nagiging Interesado ang isang bagay once you know it!

So here’s the 10 Trivia that you might want to know!


1. Juan Luna killed his wife and mother-in-law. He was later acquitted of his “crime of passion.”
Juan Luna + Maria de la Paz Pardo de Tavera + murder

In Photo: Juan Luna and his wife, Maria de la Paz Pardo de Tavera (from the painting “Ensueños de Amor”)

In 1892, Juan Luna, famous Filipino painter of 400 masterpieces, was involved in a bloody murder at their Paris home. The victims? His wife, Maria de la Paz Pardo de Tavera, and his mother-in-law. It is said that extreme jealousy forced Luna to pull the trigger. He was later acquitted in February 1893 after the court categorized the murder as a “crime of passion”.


2. Cory Aquino’s favorite color was RED, not YELLOW.
Cory Aquino + trivia

The late President Corazon Aquino as well as the EDSA People Power Revolution are best remembered through the iconic ‘yellow ribbon’. However, she once admitted that RED was actually her first favorite. The yellow color only came after some friends suggested the song “Tie A Yellow Ribbon” for Ninoy’s homecoming. Cory continued to use her yellow trademark after her husband’s death.

3. In 1992, Pepsi offered 1 million pesos to anyone who had a bottle cap with “349″ printed on it. Turns out, half a million bottle caps got the winning number.
Pepsi 349 fiasco

Dubbed as the “Number Fever”, the promo was offered by Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines. On May 25, 1992, the winning numbers (i.e. 349) were finally released. Thousands claimed the prizes but Pepsi officials revealed that there was a technical glitch. In the end, the company spent more than 200 million pesos to pay up to 500, 000 disappointed claimants. The case of the infamous “Pepsi 349″ fiasco was finally closed in 2006.



4. Major Archibald Butt, former military captain in the Philippines, died in the sinking of Titanic in 1912.
Major Archibald Butt + Titanic

A former journalist, Butt was a well-known military aide and adviser to US presidents William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt. He joined the army who fought during the Spanish-American War.

After the war ended, he was assigned to the Philippines as a volunteer and later promoted as Assistant Quartermaster with the rank of Captain. He stayed in Manila until July 1903.

In 1912, after a short trip to Europe, Butt embarked Titanic to return to the US. Sadly, he was one of the victims who perished when the ship sank. His body was never recovered.



5. Jaz Cola, a beverage produced by The Coca Cola Company, was specifically made for the people in the Visayan Islands.
Jaz Cola

Image source: Flickr

Jaz Cola is a cola-flavored drink and just one of the many custom beverages made by Coca-Cola for the Philippine market. Originally created for consumers living in  the Visayan region, Jaz Cola has reportedly “fueled Visayan pride among its teen consumers.”



6. Aluling Bridge in Ilocos Sur took 35 years to complete. 

Aluling Bridge

Image source:

After 35 years and 6 presidents, the Aluling Bridge was finally completed on March 25 of this year. It’s construction first started in 1978 but due to a host of factors such as unpredictable weather and difficulty of navigating the river, the completion was delayed for more than 3 decades. Aluling Bridge connects the provinces of Ilocos Sur and Mountain Province.



7. Gollum suluensis is a shark named after Gollum of the movie “Lord of the Rings” and Philippines’ very own Sulu Sea. 

Gollum suluensis shark


Image source: LAST & GAUDIANO, Zootaxa 3002 (2011)

Discovered in Sulu, this New Zealand shark is one of the species of the genus Gollum. Compared to it’s cousin (G. attenuatus), this shark has a “darker, plainer and less contrasted coloration, softer body, shorter and broader snout, smaller spiracle, larger pectoral fin, wider head, as well as larger proportions of the nostril, mouth and interorbital space.”



8. The first same-sex marriage in the Philippines was between two NPA members. 

Gay marriage in NPA

Image source:

In February 2005, Ka Andres and Ka Jose, two members of the NPA (New People’s Army), exchanged vows in a symbolic ceremony held in the Compostela Valley province in Mindanao.

In addition to a choir which serenaded the two with revolutionary love songs, the event was also participated by their comrades and few closed friends. During the wedding, the two held each other’s hand while keeping a bullet in the other to represent theircommitment to the armed struggle.



9. A dog named “Serging” (alias “Avante”) received numerous awards in 1957 for his heroic act during the Magsaysay plane crash. 

Marcelino Nuya + Serging + Avante + dog hero + Magsaysay plane crash

Marcelino Nuya with his pet dog, “Avante”. (Image source:

Originally known as “Serging”, the dog was later renamed “Avante” to avoid offending Sergio Osmeña Jr. who was a Cebu mayor at that time. “Avante”, along with his owner Marcelino Nuya, helped save Nestor Mata, the only survivor of the plane crash that killed the late President Ramon Magsaysay.

For their heroic roles in the tragedy, the two received gold medals from the Philippine Constabulary (PC) and various government officials. Avante also received recognition from an animal rights group. 



10. In the 1970s, a 22.6-foot reticulated phyton terrorized Luzon and swallowed an Agta Negrito. 

Reticulated phyton caught in the Philippines

The 22.6-foot reticulated python, shot by Kekek Aduanan on June 9, 1970. (Image source:

Agta Negritos are indigenous people in Luzon who, in the 1970s, competed with areticulated phyton for their main sources of food namely Philippine deer, Philippine warty pigs and long-tailed macaques.

Thomas N. Headland, an anthropologist who lived with and studied the group, later found out that 15 of 58 men and 1 of 62 women were attacked by the giant snake. Worse, 6 of them were killed, one of whom was discovered within the snake’s belly after butchering.



I want to Work at Home

Work at homeIm dying to work at home, The benefits i see working at home is convenience, more time with my family and more time to learn. no need for the approval of your boss to file a leave or lie about making reason to leave, i can attend seminars and listen more to free webinars to be more valuable to my clients

But being a VA doesn’t mean just go to odesk, online job ph and craiglast apply then thats ok.

No that’s not it you must first give value to your clients that you can be valuable to your clients and you can give them what they need and that is convenience for them and contribution to success of my clients business.

So i decided to enroll on an online course to build my confidence, im not a techie guy i don’t know anything online besides facebook, youtube, twitter and reading some emails, but when it comes to creating wordpress, blogger, using autorepsonders, creating forms in google docs etc… i have Zero Knowledgework at home

But because of my passion to learn, i learn this one step at a time and it feels great to learn something new, it feels so good that you know something different that is why my motto form this day forward is “CANI” (pronounce “kun eye) meaning Continuous and Never ending Improvement -Anthony Robbins

Have A Good Day

God Bless You!

My Journey Begins

hjkjkhkjFinally my journey begins!

Finaly i starting to pursue to work online! Now im taking exams in odesk and brainbench, well my first exam I failed, it so frustrating i forgot what i learn, so review my online course again to become valuable to my client.

Then my online course reminds me “Google is your friend”

I remember t harv ecker quotes, what u hear u 4gwt, what u see you remember, what u do u understand, so I review my downloadable hjkjkhkjfiles and took action. you will never know what will happen until you take action on what you learn, reading and listening is not enough, but with action that is wisdom.

So i took an exam i odesk and brainbench until i pass th exam, finally i pass my two exams but tha’s only the beggining i will take more exams now and i will always remember google is my friend.

Have a Goog Day!

God Bless You!

How to Use Google Docs

Do you want to create surveys that will help your business and will determine the right track if goals in your business, Im not really familliar with surveys forms but there are organizations are looking for ways or someone could give them a service.

Google docs is the easiest way to create a form and to monitor the answer of your target market and know what is the need of your target market so you can provide the product and service that they need, google docs is easy to use jsut follow this simple steps:


How to Use Shorstack

I love contest specially the prize that you will get and the best thing about contest especially in social media it’s free!, now that im working online some are looking for a tool that can create a contest and not just contest but legal contest.

there are some companies in facebook that are doing contest but it’s illegal, they don’t know that their contest is illegal until facebook deleted their account, ok maybe your companies contest or business contest is still active, but once facebook found out about your contest is illegal, you can say goodbye to your account that you build for years.

So i found a tool that will help you to create a contest legally no worries about facebook deleting your account, that tool is shortstack so how to use shortstack just follow this steps:

HOw to Use Jing

I know the word Jing sounds weird, maybe you are asking what is jing that was im asking the first time i learn about this tool! This tool is from techsmith, ok sometimes it’s hard to explain  to a person the things you want to teach them online.

People want to see how to do it not just mere talk and on chat right! it’s about the left brain right brain thing! so this is what happen instead of your talk to your client, prospect or boss explaining something online why not use jing? why jing?

Because jing can record your screen and and show to your client, prospect or boss what are you trying to say!  record your work send it through email and it is done. to really understand what in trying to say just follow this simple easy steps:

How to Use Dropbox

You have a dropbox at home, say yes! well if you have this is the purpose of  dropbox online, you don’t need external hardrive to save your file for backup dropbox can allow you to save your file through dropbox automatically and you can also share it with your client, prospect or business collegues

wheteher you are offline or online you xan upload your file anytime just follow this step and know what i mean

How to Use Google Calendar

I always write my task in paper, there are times a lost it or just putting it on a table then in some weird circumstances a water just pour out of glass and my task is gone or put it in a wall the  you niece will come to your and play with your wall full of your task and plans.

So im using google all the time i realized google has a calendar and there i discover my other bestfirend besides my wife and our dog, the google calendar all i have to do write my task for the day, a week, a month and it’s safe.

google calendar is easy to use and by this simple staps you can now have your task safe and sound:

How to use Animoto

I always want to put my pictures together and create a video! First of all i’m not a professional video editor i don’t know how to create a professional looking video, but do you ever wonder if there one exist that would create it for you?

I never this tool exist i research and look for tools in creating video using your pictures or promoting something,then i stumble with this tool and equip me with more knowledge about having the advantage using this tool

now do you want to create a video for your pictures, promotions, family gatherings etc.. there so many use for this tool all you have to do is follow this simple steps!