I want to Work at Home

Work at homeIm dying to work at home, The benefits i see working at home is convenience, more time with my family and more time to learn. no need for the approval of your boss to file a leave or lie about making reason to leave, i can attend seminars and listen more to free webinars to be more valuable to my clients

But being a VA doesn’t mean just go to odesk, online job ph and craiglast apply then thats ok.

No that’s not it you must first give value to your clients that you can be valuable to your clients and you can give them what they need and that is convenience for them and contribution to success of my clients business.

So i decided to enroll on an online course to build my confidence, im not a techie guy i don’t know anything online besides facebook, youtube, twitter and reading some emails, but when it comes to creating wordpress, blogger, using autorepsonders, creating forms in google docs etc… i have Zero Knowledgework at home

But because of my passion to learn, i learn this one step at a time and it feels great to learn something new, it feels so good that you know something different that is why my motto form this day forward is “CANI” (pronounce “kun eye) meaning Continuous and Never ending Improvement -Anthony Robbins

Have A Good Day

God Bless You!

My Journey Begins

hjkjkhkjFinally my journey begins!

Finaly i starting to pursue to work online! Now im taking exams in odesk and brainbench, well my first exam I failed, it so frustrating i forgot what i learn, so review my online course again to become valuable to my client.

Then my online course reminds me “Google is your friend”

I remember t harv ecker quotes, what u hear u 4gwt, what u see you remember, what u do u understand, so I review my downloadable hjkjkhkjfiles and took action. you will never know what will happen until you take action on what you learn, reading and listening is not enough, but with action that is wisdom.

So i took an exam i odesk and brainbench until i pass th exam, finally i pass my two exams but tha’s only the beggining i will take more exams now and i will always remember google is my friend.

Have a Goog Day!

God Bless You!

How to Use Google Docs

Do you want to create surveys that will help your business and will determine the right track if goals in your business, Im not really familliar with surveys forms but there are organizations are looking for ways or someone could give them a service.

Google docs is the easiest way to create a form and to monitor the answer of your target market and know what is the need of your target market so you can provide the product and service that they need, google docs is easy to use jsut follow this simple steps:


How to Use Dropbox

You have a dropbox at home, say yes! well if you have this is the purpose of  dropbox online, you don’t need external hardrive to save your file for backup dropbox can allow you to save your file through dropbox automatically and you can also share it with your client, prospect or business collegues

wheteher you are offline or online you xan upload your file anytime just follow this step and know what i mean

How to Use Google Calendar

I always write my task in paper, there are times a lost it or just putting it on a table then in some weird circumstances a water just pour out of glass and my task is gone or put it in a wall the  you niece will come to your and play with your wall full of your task and plans.

So im using google all the time i realized google has a calendar and there i discover my other bestfirend besides my wife and our dog, the google calendar all i have to do write my task for the day, a week, a month and it’s safe.

google calendar is easy to use and by this simple staps you can now have your task safe and sound:

How to Use Pagemodo

I use to edit my cover photos in facebook or my custom tab in picmonkey or photoscape and i have to make sure that the size is correct, before uploading the images in facebook, but i love to research all the time when i want to make my Job easy.

Internet is so you can learn a lot and i feel great when i learn something new! this tool that i discover helps me to make my Job easy creating cover photos and images for my custom tabs just follow this simple steps and learn pagemodo!